Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) Movie Review

Does Oz the Great and Powerful hold up?

Let’s find out:

So we start off by meeting womanizing magician/con man Oscar Diggs (James Franco), and…

I said in my review of Spider-Man 3 that I thought that James Franco was high for the majority of the filming of that movie and I have the same opinion for this movie.

Anyway, someone at the circus is upset because Oscar is putting the moves on his wife (hate it when that happens). Oscar has to leave via hot air balloon and a tornado takes him to Oz. We find out from Theodora (Mila Kunis) that a wicked witch offed the king of Oz and Oscar senses an opportunity. Theodora is all

Let’s go to Kay

And get an engagement ring, honey 

(The previous was a parody of a popular Carly Rae Jepsen song and I do not want to upset the copyright gods.)

Oscar is all “Nah! Let’s take it slow.” We then meet Finley (voiced by Zach Braff), and…

As far as animal sidekicks go, there have been better and worse than Finley. Finley can get grating at times. Also, Finley’s voice drove me nutter butters until I figured out that it reminded me of Billy Crystal as Miracle Max in The Princess Bride. Anyway, Finley knows the truth about Oscar.

Evanora (Rachel Weisz) wants Oz to off the aforementioned wicked witch. Oz and Finley meet Chucky’s long-lost sister China Girl (Joey King). We then meet Glinda the Good Witch (Michelle Williams) and we find out that Evanora is the true wicked witch. Evanora tries to make it seem to Theodora that she (Evanora) was in on the Oz/James Franco action (that came out wrong). Evanora then Snow Whites Theodora, we get Carrie White hand action and Theodora turns into the Wicked Witch of the West, and…

Kunis does fine as Theodora. Margaret Hamilton is a tough act to follow; but, Kunis does feel a little miscast as the Wicked Witch of the West.

Anyway, we find out that Glinda knows the truth about Oscar. The Quadlings, Tinkers and Munchkins start a resistance. Oscar finds out about Theodora and he is all So I Dated an Axe Murderer. Or, Oz is all I Dated a Witch, and…

Sounds like it could be a movie.

Anyway, Thomas Edison inspires Oscar. 

Evanora and Theodora get Trojan horse’d. Glinda winds up Evanora’s captive. We get the ole Oscar abandoned everyone trick. We then get giant James Franco head, and…

Giant James Franco head looks like something that would be in a cheesy 1960s sci-fi movie.

Anyway, fireworks scare Evanora. It takes a little more for Theodora, who reaffirms her evil lifestyle. Glinda and Evanora have a showdown, Evanora grows old and baboons take her east.

Master Tinker (Bill Cobbs) gets Oz’s jackknife. Oz gives Knuck/”Sourpuss” (Tony Cox) a smile, and…

Sounds like the Joker’s origin story.

Finley gets Oz’s friendship and China Girl gets a surrogate family. Oz takes Glinda behind the curtain, and…

No jokes, please.

Anyway, Michelle Williams is all “I see what you’re doing here, Disney.” Oz and Glinda kiss and, because Glinda is a bit of an exhibitionist, she allows Finley, Master Tinker, Knuck and China Girl to see her and Oscar kiss through the projector.

I had a good Sunday afternoon watching Oz the Great and Powerful. Plus, a live-action Disney movie that is not a direct remake is unusual.

Charity Spotlight: National Multiple Sclerosis Society

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